This is Victoria Di Gioia
A multidisciplinary artist born in Portugal, who moved from Rio de Janeiro to Rotterdam to study art. Operating under “With Gioia”, I specialize in Art Direction, Visual Concepts, Costume and Prop Design. With ‘Gioia’ meaning “joy” in Italian, I’m thrilled to infuse each project with that very essence.

Selected Works
Dyslexic Dislike
Mother & Child
Consumed by Fear
Ella Alex - Loops Never End
Frenna - Waistline
FabyFoster - Prisioneiro
TLC - Louisa & Rowan
Metropolis Festival - Mt.Joy
Drop by Drop
Just Bee’s

Projects Archive

Calvin Klein
Albert Heijn
Royal club


Currently open for freelance work, don’t hesitate to get in touch to share your ideas or have a chat!
Instagram @with.gioia

 This is Victoria Di Gioia! A multidisciplinary artist born in Portugal, who moved from Rio de Janeiro to Rotterdam to study art. Operating under “With Gioia”, she specializes in Art Direction, Visual Concepts, Costume & Prop Design. With ‘Gioia’ meaning “joy
in Italian, I’m thrilled to infuse each project with that very essence. 


 Projects Archive 


“Just Bees”

SCULPTURE (Wax on scrap wooden log) - 2017
The interaction between man and insect is explored in this piece, as it was inspired by that initial reaction of fear and disgust. The instigation of those emotions becomes convoluted when there is the movement of realisation that the bees were replaced by humans. What effect does that have on the viewwe? Is the fear replaced by compassion?